We are happy to answer your questions and look forward to your message.
Directions to our headquarters can be found below.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Härterei Carl Gommann GmbH
Dreiangelstraße 29
42855 Remscheid
Tel.: +49 (0) 2191 8865-0
Contact form >>
Drop-off and Pick-up Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Heat Treating / Gas Nitriding / Hardness Testing
Approach via Autobahn A 1 (Cologne – Dortmund)
- Exit Remscheid, Driving direction: Zentrum via B 229
- In Center (roundabout with traffic lights), Direction: Hasten (Wuppertal)
- At town exit Remscheid (ca. 7 km from Autobahn): turn slightly left into Dreiangelstraße
- (Service road, follow information sign: CARL GOMMANN)
Approach via Autobahn A46 (Dusseldorf - Wuppertal)
Route only for cars:
- Exit Remscheid / Solingen (Sonnborner Kreuz), Expressway, direction: Remscheid
- Road leads after ca. 8 km to B 229 Solingen / Remscheid
- Circa. 50 m before turn left, direction: Wuppertal – Ronsdorf, (Morsbachtalstraße)
- Follow the road for ca. 7 km (until crossroad with traffic lights)
- Turn right at the traffic lights, direction: Remscheid
- After circa. 50 m turn right into Dreiangelstraße (information sign: CARL GOMMANN)
Route for Trucks:
- Exit: Wuppertal-Nord via Autobahn A 1 direction: Köln (Cologne)
- Exit Remscheid, then continue on as described above
Approach via Autobahn A45 (Gießen - Dortmund)
- Exit Meinerzhagen via B 54, direction Meinerzhagen / Hagen
- Continue through Meinerzhagen in direction Kierspe
- In Kierspe turn left to direction Remscheid (B 237)
- In city center Kierspe turn right in direction Halver / Remscheid
- In Halver - direction Remscheid (B 229)
- In Remscheid via Autobahn – motorway access A